The School Governing Body

Please find below details of how our Governing Board is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor. We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests for your information.

Newnham St Peter's has twelve governors in all. There are two governors elected by parents, one elected by staff, one nominated by the Local Authority, the Vicar and Head Teacher are "ex-officio" members and six foundation governors nominated by the Parochial Church Council and appointed by the Diocese of Gloucester. Of these twelve, one governor is elected as Chair and one as Vice Chair. Five meetings of the full Governing Board are held each year and five meetings each of two committees, one to monitor Teaching and Learning and one for Business. In the last academic year attendance at Governing Board meetings was over 85%. Every meeting is minuted and minutes are available on request from the School Office.

Governors also give their time to short term working groups to address single issues. Other statutory committees which meet less frequently are the Staffing, Performance Management and the Job Evaluation Appeal Committees.

The Governing Board is like the Executive Board of a company with the Head Teacher having the role of Managing Director responsible for the day to day management of the school. All members work together to take important decisions about how the school is run and how best to ensure that all pupils get the best possible education and achieve their maximum potential.

The Governing Board helps set and keep under review the strategic framework within which the Head Teacher and staff should run the school. In all its work, the Governing Board focuses on the key issues of raising standards of achievement, establishing high expectations and promoting effective teaching and learning.

Governors have a number of statutory duties to fulfil and play a significant role in creating a vision and strategy that is shared by all members of the school community. They look to the future in their contribution to school development and are constantly seeking ways to ensure that the best possible education is offered to our children.

Training in such areas as finance, child protection and data monitoring is undertaken by governors who are also required to keep abreast of the changes in educational legislation and guidance. The Governing Board is responsible for the appointment of the Head Teacher and will meet with the Ofsted team whenever there is an inspection.

The Governing Board is key to the effectiveness of a school. The governors of Newnham St Peter's are delighted to work with a highly talented and conscientious staff to provide an excellent Primary education for our children. Governors also work in partnership with parents, carers and the local community.

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