Statutory Assessment Tests

Progress and attainment measures 2019: For each subject the 'expected standard' for pupils at the end of Key Stage 2 is an attainment score of 100. A score of 110 or more is described as a 'higher scaled score'.

The Headline statistic quoted in performance tables is the percentage of pupils achieving the 'expected standard' in English reading, English writing and mathematics at the end of Key Stage 2. The percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard is a combined measure across the three subjects. To be counted towards the measure, a pupil must have a scaled score of 100 or more in reading and a scaled score of 100 or more in mathematics; and have been teacher assessed in writing as 'working at the expected standard' or 'working at greater depth'.

The percentage of pupils achieving at a higher standard is also a combined measure across the three subjects. To be counted towards the measure, a pupil must have a 'high scaled score' of 110 or more in reading and mathematics; and have been teacher assessed in writing as 'working at greater depth'.

EGPS is an assessment of English grammar, punctuation and spelling attainment.

Further data to be found on website: Compare schools in England.

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