Newnham St. Peter's is a cashless school. Parents are able to make payments to school for clubs, trips etc through the online SchoolMoney facility, at a time convenient to them. Details of how to activate/login to your account and password reminders are available from the school office. Alternatively, if you are unable to pay online, barcodes can be printed via the school office to enable you to pay at a paypoint store. Our nearest paypoint store is Elton Garage or Littledean stores. Cash and cheques for clubs and visits are only accepted in exceptional circumstances.
SchoolMoney can be accessed on tablets and phones as well as desktop computers.
Payment for lunches are requested on a termly basis and are made in advance. Payment for school lunches are required to be paid by cash or cheque (payable to CaterCater)to the school office. Cash must be in a sealed envelope with the child's name, class and amount written on it. We are currently liaising with CaterCater to offer payment via SchoolMoney and hope to have this facility available soon.
Payment for the hire of the school premises is required by cheque.